Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Rock band RED called "slighty demonic" by Kentucky Church

"Very few have ever complained about our shows, and especially not our promotional material" said Mike Barnes lead singer of the popular rock band.

That was until First Baptist Somerset in Somerset, KY booked the hard rock band to preform at the Grand Opening of the new Church Auditorium. The church, which is filled mostly of people between the ages of 50 and 70, were shocked when they received a box of promotional posters for the event. These posters are usually sent ahead of time to be hung around town to promote the event. They were described by a church member as "slightly demonic." When we interviewed the Pastor of the church we asked what was specifically wrong with them "The picture shows a red glow around them with the lead singer screaming. That's not Christian."

The board decided to continue with the show because they had "already paid the band" but the poster had to be changed. Susan Shelby, a wife of one of the board members, was assigned the job. "We just thank the Lord that I have mastered computer art, they gave me the poster, I scanned it in and boom through the help of Microsoft Paint ALL WAS BETTER" says Shelby.

The changes to the poster included adding fake smiles to each member, changing the red tint to purple, adding the devil being "smushed" by one member and adding a cartoon rainbow. The church felt the new look would be more appealing to their members.

We watched as the band arrived and saw the poster. In anger the band took the stage and started the show with a cover of AC/DC's Hells Bells and walked out. Before leaving the event the band ran through the church and destroyed every poster they could find. Lucky for us Shelby had the file saved on our computer and was happy to show off the poster here at The Daily Bread Weekly.

Monday, July 30, 2007


The Daily Bread Weekly would like to send out our congratulations to Alysa, Becca, & Lauren Barlow. Thats right folks the Barlow Girls are all engaged! This photo was taken by a camera phone early this morning.

According to our unnamed source the plan was setup far in advance. Here are the details you've been waiting for:

Last night the girls were having what was reported as "an unusually long" group Bible study. This Bible study was attended by the three girls, their significant others and both Barlow parents. After Praise & Worship ,which featured some of the Barlows greatest hits, the girls decided to have an "impromptu" game of Bible Drill. The first verse to find happened to be Judges 1:12. The girls let the boys read the verse out loud which reads " And Caleb said, "I will give my daughter Acsah in marriage to the man who attacks and captures Kiriath Sepher."

When the verse was complete and the boys were declared the winner, the clock struck midnight. When the final gong from the 19th Century Grand Father Clock rang loud the Barlow Girls went down on one knee and stood up Barlow Women. That's right they did the proposing!

We wish you all happy engagements and wonderful marriages....

Friday, July 27, 2007

Michael W. Smith & Steve Taylor make more 'Chance' films

It has been previously reported that Michael W. Smith's film the Second Chance was actually part of a trilogy that had been written by Steve Taylor. Instead of shooting all three they chose the second film to make first. Since its success Smith and Taylor have been working hard on the new films. Each film will take place twenty years apart.

Production has already begun on the next film to be released . Coming next summer the Comedic sequel "The Third Chance". The plot follows what happens when Ethan Jenkins (played by Michael W. Smith) accidentally clones himself. Undisclosed sources on the set are calling Smith the next Eddie Murphy!

Following the release of "The Third Chance" they will begin production on the prequel. As the poster looks this film seems to be for the younger audience while capitalizing on the new success of musicals with kids. "The First Chance: High School Musical" will sure to be an entertaining treat.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Chris Tomlin Signs Deal with Apple."How Great is iPod" to be released.

Chris Tomlin has signed a new deal with the creative hippie's favorite company Apple. When this report was posted we had received from an anonymous party what looked to be half of one of the pages in the new contract. Our page reported that Chris Tomlin will record versions of some of his greatest hits exclusively for iTunes.

First release will be "How Great is iPod", followed by "Indescrib-iPhone", "Made to Podcast" and many more. When Tomlin was asked how about his new deal with Apple, Tomlin was quoted as saying "[since signing with Apple] I now have more iPods than Doves"

Family Force 5 Sued by MySpace

Sources have confirmed that MySpace.com is suing the fan fueled band "Family Force 5". MySpace is claiming that someone in the "Family" has broken the system and added friends illegally. When asked for a comment a MySpace executive (age 52) said "we heard the music on their page. There is just no way over 164,000 people would intentionally listen to it ."

If Family Force 5 is convicted they will end up in spending time in an Atlanta area prison. It happens to be the same prison that Michael Vick from the Atlanta Falcons will be placed in if convicted of his recent dog fighting charges. When asked what they would do if placed next to Michael Vick, Soul Glow Activator was quoted saying "HE BETTER WATCH WHAT HE SAYS ABOUT MY MAMA!
SHE RAISED ME IN THE DIRTY SOUTH!" When Michael Vick heard the threat he pulled up a picture of Soul Glow on the internet and uncontrollably laughed for over 36 minutes.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Peter Furler from the Newsboys gets Hair Replacement Surgery.

The Daily Bread Weekly has learned that Peter Furler of the Newsboys got Hair Replacement Surgery last week. This recent picture was taken by one of our undercover DBW reporters.

The known hair of the Newsboys, Phil Joel, left the band late last year.

We tracked down Phil to ask his thoughts about Peter's procedure. As soon as we saw him we knew it was Phil Joel that donated the hair.Phil looked obviously embarrased of his new hairdo. When asked why he was wearing ear muffs in the middle of the Summer. Phil responded with "No one's ever seen my ears and they never will."