That was until First Baptist Somerset in Somerset, KY booked the hard rock band to preform at the Grand Opening of the new Church Auditorium. The church, which is filled mostly of people between the ages of 50 and 70, were shocked when they received a box of promotional posters for the event. These posters are usually sent ahead of time to be hung around town to promote the event. They were described by a church member as "slightly demonic." When we interviewed the Pastor of the church we asked what was specifically wrong with them "The picture shows a red glow around them with the lead singer screaming. That's not Christian."
The board decided to continue with the show because they had "already paid the band" but the poster had to be changed. Susan Shelby, a wife of one of the board members, was assigned the job. "We just thank the Lord that I have mastered computer art, they gave me the poster, I scanned it in and boom through the help of Microsoft Paint ALL WAS BETTER" says Shelby.

The changes to the poster included adding fake smiles to each member, changing the red tint to purple, adding the devil being "smushed" by one member and adding a cartoon rainbow. The church felt the new look would be more appealing to their members.
We watched as the band arrived and saw the poster. In anger the band took the stage and started the show with a cover of AC/DC's Hells Bells and walked out. Before leaving the event the band ran through the church and destroyed every poster they could find. Lucky for us Shelby had the file saved on our computer and was happy to show off the poster here at The Daily Bread Weekly.