Sources have confirmed that MySpace.com is suing the fan fueled band "Family Force 5". MySpace is claiming that someone in the "Family" has broken the system and added friends illegally. When asked for a comment a MySpace executive (age 52) said "we heard the music on their page. There is just no way over 164,000 people would intentionally listen to it ."
If Family Force 5 is convicted they will end up in spending time in an Atlanta area prison. It happens to be the same prison that Michael Vick from the Atlanta Falcons will be placed in if convicted of his recent dog fighting charges. When asked what they would do if placed next to Michael Vick, Soul Glow Activator was quoted saying

SHE RAISED ME IN THE DIRTY SOUTH!" When Michael Vick heard the threat he pulled up a picture of Soul Glow on the internet and uncontrollably laughed for over 36 minutes.